About me

I'm a web and software developer from Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
I design and implement user interfaces, also contribute to open source projects.

2014年7月21日 星期一

Terrarium.app - COSCUP 2014 閃電秀與幕後花絮

搭帳篷搶報名的概念 (Photo Credit: Rex Tsai)

今年的 COSCUP 順利結束了! 感謝所有與會者與辛苦的工作人員. COSCUP 不但是我社群分享經驗的起點, 也一直如同 Bob 所說的, 是每年充電並保持熱情與動力的重要聚會. 這次於閃電秀分享了 Terrarium, 讓來自台灣的流量和下載數都出現了一個小小的 peak. 會後也收到不少建議與回饋, 感激開心自然不在話下, 一些小細節在此稍微作整理.

首先是閃電秀錄影, 感謝馬克砲大大神速上傳:

  • 沒什麼內容的投影片在此
  • 影片內容和投影片都是 CC BY-SA 3.0 授權, 請安心使用
  • flappy bird 是改來的
  • 講完還沒回座位就收到票亭老闆 hlb 大人的票, 馬上解掉

之前才和朋友聊到, 做這種小玩具專案的時候不自覺都會有「台灣老闆心態」:

  • 技術不深
  • 開發時間短
  • 展示效果驚人(假的也沒關係)
  • 有時事、話題性
仔細想想也沒什麼不好, 就像 DHH 說不要藉由引入外部動機消滅 open source 專案的初衷一樣. 那麼繼續加油吧!

2014年7月3日 星期四

慶祝上 Qt Showroom, Terrarium 新版本限時免費中!

Terrarium 計畫登上 Qt Project 的 Showroom 啦! 剛好昨天發佈了 1.2 版的更新 (iOS 審核中), 歡迎下載使用

1.2 版新功能

  • 升級至 Qt 5.3.1
  • 支援 Android L 與 Mac OSX 10.10
  • 基本的存檔 (LocalStorage) 和 Email 匯出功能
  • View 的全螢幕預覽模式
  • 行號與游標顯示
之後會加上 Github Gist 匯出 (應該啦), 歡迎測試, 有任何意見也請不吝指教 XD

2014年6月27日 星期五

Terrarium for iPad is now available on App Store

Terrarium, the QtQuick Editor/Viewer, is now available on App Store:

Happy Hacking! :-)

2014年6月18日 星期三

QtQuick Rapid Prototyping with Terrarium

Write QML Everywhere, See Result Instantly

Get It on Google Play

Terrarium is now available on Google Play! And you can find it for Mac OSX or Ubuntu Linux (amd64 / i386) too! Please refer to the install section on project website.

Notes on Publish QML App to Google Play

Build your code normally with qmake && make, install it to a destination, say, android-terrarium:

make install INSTALL_ROOT=../android-terrarium
Pack and sign the APK by androiddeployqt command:
~/Qt5/5.3/android_armv7/bin/androiddeployqt --input android-libTerrarium.so-deployment-settings.json --output ../android-terrarium --release --sign ../TerrariumApp.keystore TerrariumApp
Here's the catch:
  • There's a ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES variable for qmake profile, here's my reference
  • androiddeployqt invokes SDK tools and changes project name to "QtApp" every time, that also overwritten build.xml. I fixed it by using a script workaround..
  • Default AndroidManifest located at Qt5/5.3/android_armv7/src/android/java/AndroidManifest.xml, things you must change are package name, android:icon, uses-permission and uses-feature. Please refer to file on Github

Let's write QML everywhere!

使用 Terrarium 作 QML 快速原型開發


聽說現在寫標題流行用 Apple 體, 我們也亂寫一個 XD

Google Play 下載

沒錯, Terrarium 上架 Google Play 啦! 另外還有 Mac 版 及 Ubuntu Linux 版 (amd64 / i386) 可以下載! 詳情請見網站連結.

發佈 Qt App 到 Google Play 的方法和心得

用冷門方案打包 apk 本來就吃力不討好, 加上不用 Eclipse 或 Qt Creator 全部手動, 可以採的雷我幾乎全踩過一遍了..

總之一般理論上來說的方法是先 qmake && make 完後指定安裝路徑, 比如說

make install INSTALL_ROOT=../android-terrarium
接著用 androiddeployqt 這個工具打包 apk:
~/Qt5/5.3/android_armv7/bin/androiddeployqt --input android-libTerrarium.so-deployment-settings.json --output ../android-terrarium --release --sign ../TerrariumApp.keystore TerrariumApp
  • qmake profile 有一個 ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES 變數可以用, 但會 override 原本內容, 所以要寫就得寫齊所有要用的 lib, 可以參考這邊寫法
  • androiddeployqt 不知道哪裡想不開, 會自己呼叫 SDK tools 把 project name 改成 "QtApp", 難怪改 build.xml 都沒用除非手動 ant release 再 jarsigner / zipalign. 我是寫 script 去 workaround 它..
  • 預設的 AndroidManifest 在 Qt5/5.3/android_armv7/src/android/java/AndroidManifest.xml, 其中必改的內容有 package name, android:icon 和 uses-permission 及 uses-feature. 這部份就參考 Github 上的檔案
大概是這樣, 總之繼續往上架之路努力..這兩天包了快十個平台不同格式的套件 XD

最後送大家一張「隨時隨地寫 QML」的照片, 哪天想不開就放網站當 landing page 吧!

(圖片來自 placeit.net, 授權是 Standard Commercial License. 請不要看超過 1000 次, 不然我要多付錢)

2014年6月12日 星期四

Terrarium.app - Live QML Editor and Viewer

Today we're excited to announce our latest open source project:

Project website: http://www.terrariumapp.com/

Terrarium is a cross platform QML playground, the view changes lively as you type in the editor, makes prototyping and experimenting with QtQuick a lot more fun!

We have already ported Terrarium to Ubuntu desktop and tablet, Mac OSX, iOS, and will be available in Apple App Store and Google Play as a free download soon.

If you have any idea or question, please feel free to write me a mail, ping me on twitter or send a PR on github, happy hacking!

2014年6月7日 星期六

小玩具 QML Playgrounds

最近隨著 Apple 於 WWDC 發表 Swift 以及附帶的 Xcode 6 Playgrounds 環境, 不但 Swift 主要開發者 Chris Lattner 公開表示受到 Learnable Programming 概念與 Light Table 專案的啟發, Bret Victor 在 2012 年那場知名的演講 Inventing on Principle 又再度引起熱烈討論.

由於之前已經發表過使用 QFileSystemWatcher 監控檔案變化而動態更新 view 的 QML LiveReload 工具; 趁著此波熱議, 花了一個下午做出了 QML 版的 Playgrounds, 原始碼在 Github 上: playgrounds.qml.

目前很簡單的使用 TextEdit 元件 (搭配 Atom Theme 配色), 在內容有修改時觸發 QHttpServer 送出更新過的 source. Loader 本身只負責把 cache 清掉重讀而已. 若要繼續做其他深入功能, 可能得遍歷所有 QObject 的 properties, 並搭配型別顯示不同的控制項.. 往好處想, 至少 syntax highlight 不難做就是了. XD

更新: 在 iOS 上跑也是沒問題的, 科科.

2014年5月29日 星期四

QtWebEngine Build Instruction for Embedded Linux and Qt 5.3

Digia recently released Qt 5.3, but it reads like they provides Qt WebEngine exclusively for their Qt Enterprise Embedded customers, which is not true because you can totally build it from source, and it even works on EGLFS QPA without any modification.

All you need to do is:

  • Check out the source from repo
  • Edit src/core/gyp_run.pro, and replace desktop_linux.pri with:
    linux: include(config/embedded_linux.pri)
  • Build as usual: qmake -r CONFIG+=release && make -j4 && sudo make install
I've also uploaded pre-built deb packages of Mesa 10.1, Qt 5.2.1 and QtWebEngine for Ubuntu 14.04 AMD64.
NOTE: this may breaks your desktop Mesa and GL driver, use at your own risk.

If you're looking for a minimal QtWebEngine QML example, here it is: https://gist.github.com/penk/dea91ab88e3e8c838662.

2014年5月18日 星期日

SlateKit Base for Nexus 7 (2013) Released

SlateKit is a drop-in replacement of Android UI stack, to help makers building custom tablet UI, by using Qt/QML, JavaScript and Chromium.

Today we announce the first technical preview of SlateKit Base for Nexus 7 (2013), the platform-specific port, alone with other UI components like SlateKit Shell, LockScreen and Keyboard.


  • Nexus 7 “razor” [2013] (WiFi)
  • Android 4.4.2 (KOT49H)
  • rooted and adb shell access


  1. Download the image: slatekit-flo-0423.zip (146.7 MB)
  2. Unzip files to /data, make sure busybox has executable permission
  3. Start the UI by: ./chroot.sh

Technical details

SlateKit Base essentially consists:

  • a minimal Ubuntu root filesystem (Trusty/armhf)
  • Qt 5.2.1 and Oxide 1.0 (Chromium content API wrapper)
  • libhybris for hardware accelerated graphics
  • hwcomposer QPA from Mer project

What's next?

Theoretically this rootfs works for all Android 4.4 system with HW composer 1.1/1.2, so I'll try to enable it on other SoC and make an installer.

If you find this interesting or useful, welcome to join the project on Github, and ping me on Twitter @penk or penkia@gmail.com.

Happy Hacking!

2014年4月16日 星期三

SlateKit Base 技術預覽版本更新

又到了每月的 SlateKit Base 技術預覽 (technical preview) 版本更新時間, 本次的更動如下:

  • Mesa 10.1.0-4ubuntu4
  • Qt 5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu14
  • Oxide 1.0.0~bzr501-0ubuntu1

在 SlateKit Shell 介面方面, 新增解鎖畫面 (Lockscreen) 並更新至 oxide 分支最新版本, 歡迎下載試用:


若需要客製化 Launcher, 請參考 Launcher/main.cpp.

除了對應 QKeyEvent 至 QML 外, 還包括 Screen.orientation 及 QOpenGLContext 的實作.

2014年4月13日 星期日

SlateKit runs on Nexus 7, presented at OSDC.tw 2014

Hope I didn't cram too much information on the title, but things happens fast and I've got so many to share.

SlateKit ported on Nexus 7 (2013)

First things first, with the help of Ubuntu Touch base image and hwcomposer QPA from Mer project, SlateKit is now running smoothly on Nexus 7 (2013) flo device. I'll be working on an image release soon.

Presentation at OSDC.tw 2014

Here's the slides of my talk at OSDC.tw 2014, great audiences and a great conference.

A nice guy made an unofficial record on ustream.tv, go check it out (in Mandarin Chinese)!

2014年3月16日 星期日

Oxide WebView - 在 Qt5 裡使用 Chromium 引擎

Oxide 介紹

Oxide WebView 是一個 Qt 的瀏覽器引擎, 用來取代日漸老舊的 QtWebKit. 它和 Digia 的 QtWebEngine 概念類似: 使用 Chromium 作為引擎, 並包裝 QML 的 API; 唯一差別是只有 Linux 版本, 尚無支援其他平台的計畫. 目前主要由 Canonical 開發並使用於 Ubuntu Touch 內建的網頁瀏覽器及 HTML5 程式中.

我在先前的文章中已概略地介紹了如何在純 framebuffer 環境下啟用 Oxide 和 WebGL, 以及如何打開觸控螢幕及手勢支援, 有興趣可參考.

Oxide 版的 SlateKit Shell

Oxide 版本的 SlateKit Shell 瀏覽器已經發佈至 Github. 除了操作介面外, 移植一個瀏覽器最艱難的工作就是 UserScript 和 ContextMenu 了. 在 Oxide 裡, 你可以看到原先 WebKit 的 experimental.userScriptsexperimental.onMessageReceived 需要用 WebContextScriptMessageHandler 來重寫. 我另外製作了一個簡單的範例幫助大家理解.

下載 ISO 映像檔

若你之前有使用過 SlateKit Base Technical Preview 版本的 Live OS, 這裡可以下載新版本:


  • 觸控螢幕支援 (包括縮放及捲動)
  • 長按連結跳出選單
  • 點選輸入框自動跳出鍵盤
  • 自訂的 popup 選單 (用在 <select> 和 <option> 標籤)

閱讀模式 (Reader Mode) 和行動/桌面裝置切換 (UserAgent Switch) 的功能目前暫時關閉.

SlateKit Shell ported to Oxide WebView

Oxide WebView evolved

As Oxide developed further, more and more features has been re-enabled in the Ubuntu Touch webbrowser app, that gives us a very good example on how to port a QtWebKit application over Oxide WebView, especially the renderer-related user script and context menu.

Oxide branch of SlateKit Shell

To explain that I've created an example of Oxide WebView with user script, note that experimental.userScripts and experimental.onMessageReceived are replaced by WebContext and ScriptMessageHandler. You may also checkout the Oxide branch of SlateKit Shell.

Download ISO image

SlateKit Base Technical Preview updated accordingly:


Most of works are done in one commit, with following features enabled:

  • Touch gestures
  • Context menu when long pressed
  • Custom virtual keyboard hook
  • PopUp selector menu

The Reader Mode and UserAgent Switch are temporarily disabled in Oxide branch.

2014年2月20日 星期四

Enable Touchscreen Support on Oxide

Wow, So Viewport, Very Gesture

Oxide WebView merged touchscreen support in revision.378, oxide-qt package lands in PPA, so I updated the EGLFS patch accordingly.

How to Use It

To enable pinch gesture and viewport, you'll need a SharedGLContext created to do accelerated compositing, so the tool oxideqmlscene comes in handy:


$ cat << EOF > web.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import com.canonical.Oxide 0.1
WebView { 
width: 800; height: 600
url: 'http://duckduckgo.com'

$ oxideqmlscene web.qml 

And there you go. Technical preview of SlateKit Base also upgraded: slatekit-base-tp-02202014.iso (97MB)

2014年2月8日 星期六

Introducing SlateKit Base - Technical Preview

SlateKit Base technical preview is now available for download:


SlateKit Base is a small Linux distribution (binary compatible with Ubuntu 14.04 amd64), with specially configured Qt 5.2.0, Mesa 10.0.1, two web engine/renderer: the default QtWebKit, and Oxide, which based on Chromium/Blink.

The whole graphical stacks are merely framebuffer (both KMS and uvesafb), EGL surface, and Qt/QtQuick has made rest of the user interface. No X11, Mir nor Wayland are being used.


The purpose of SlateKit Base is for demonstrating the capabilities of SlateKit project. Most of the key components of SlateKit are preloaded, including the Web Browser, On-Screen Keyboard, and Input Method. I'll add Launcher and Network Manager into next release.

How Do I Get This Thing Running?

As always, this image works on VirtualBox, default it boots into command line with 1024x768-32 screen resolution by using uvesafb driver, you can switch screen resolution with boot parameter like: screen=800x600-32. Network can be configure by:

# ifconfig eth0 up 
# udhcpc -s /etc/udhcpc.script 

Then start the web browser by oxide or slatekit-shell command:

# oxide 

Oxide example file is located under /usr/share/SlateKit/Oxide/web.qml, and SlateKit Shell is /usr/share/SlateKit/Shell/qml/Shell.qml. Don't forget to turn off VirtualBox's mouse integration (Command + I) if you're on Mac OSX.

Can I Use It on Real Device?

This release comes with limited driver selection. If you have Intel, nVidia or AMD/ATi device that supported by KMS, you can create a bootable USB drive using dd command, and try booting SlateKit Base on it with following boot parameter:

boot: slatekit debug=1 

And start udev:

# udevd --daemon
# udevadm trigger  
If everything works fine it will drop you into a command line with native framebuffer resolution, then you can launch the browser as usual.


If you have any thought, question, demo or hardware support request, please feel free to send me a mail or contact me on Twitter @penk.

Happy Hacking!

2014年2月4日 星期二

Oxide WebView on EGLFS QPA

Oxide WebView is a QML wrapper of Chromium content API, just like QtWebEngine. I've been following Chris' development for a while now, it's (surprisingly) usable if you consider its early stage. For those who doesn't want to build Chromium but would like to try, here's the package oxide-qt PPA for amd64/i386 and armhf architecture.

Oxide was designed to be a replacement of QtWebKit and using on Ubuntu Touch, so it's no surprise it supports Mir, Ubuntu (legacy) and XCB QPA by default. As a big fan of Qt's EGLFS plugin, I couldn't be happier to have a Chromium rendered web browser running on bare-metal with nothing but framebuffer and EGL.

So here it is, enable_oxide_on_eglfs.patch. To use it you'll need a fbdev backend enabled Mesa, also Qt 5.2 configured with -opengl es2, and start qmlscene like:

export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs
export EGL_PLATFORM=fbdev
export EGL_DRIVER=egl_gallium 

qmlscene ./web.qml

Which web.qml may look like this:

import QtQuick 2.0
import com.canonical.Oxide 0.1

WebView {
    width: 800
    height: 600
    url: "https://duckduckgo.com"

My talk proposal of SlateKit just got accepted by FOSSASIA 2014, so more information on this matter will be published here later. Stay tuned. :-)

2014年1月7日 星期二

LiveReload for QML

If you're like me, don't use QtCreator much, prefer command line and usually have a simple QtQuick view, then this is for you: https://github.com/penk/qml-livereload

QML LiveReload takes QFileSystemWatcher to monitor file changes, and lively updates the view when possible. It's no match for what QtCreator does but comes handy for simple projects.


Works on remote device too: